Sunday, August 21, 2011

IV Treatments continue!

Well, I have now completed 9 IV Rocephin antibiotic treatments now and have 15 to go. I am also on oral Azithromycin once a day (had to cut back from 2 a day, it seemed to be making my neuropathic pain worse). My fellow Lyme friend Robin had a GREAT idea. She posts her IV treatments like "Mile Markers" on her FaceBook page so that her non Lyme friends can cheer her on as if she were running a marathon! Since both of us used to be very active and I had JUST started training for a marathon when I suddenly got sick 20 months ago, I love this idea and so do my friends.

It's nice to be "cheered on" whenever I get closer to the finish line which in this case will be the end of my 2 month IV Rocephin treatment. (I go 3 times a week) Overall, I've done okay (so far!) with the Rocephin treatments, I would say the first two weeks were the hardest, but it seems as though my body is adjusting.

However, I'm about to start Tindamax, a "cyst buster" (like Flagyl, but it's supposedly easier on your body) and I'm just hoping that I don't have severe Herxes like I did with the Flagyl. Unfortunately Tindamax is RIDICULOUSLY expensive - it costs $620 a month at CVS! Yes, that is NOT a typo!

But luckily I had a good friend give me a months worth that she had some extra. Someone is getting a LOT of money at these drug companies.
The doctors office I go to for my IV abx treatments is the same as some of my Lyme friends so I almost look forward to going since I know I'll get to hang out with them while we all get our IV infusions! It really doesn't take that long - the whole IV drip is maybe a half hour long.
Am meeting with the Neurologist (FINALLY!) on Tuesday, so I'm hoping to get some answers about my severe peripheral neuropathy which is causing such severe pain in my arms and legs. Joint pain continues although some days are better than others. Still tired all the time, but I'm eating better than I ever have before and have been really good about sticking to my "Magical Green Smoothies" every day which as I said before, have made a HUGE difference in my digestive system. My tummy is MUCH happier!

Finally, I wanted to add something that I learned from, who else, Dr. OZ! recently. I can't believe I never knew this. Apparently if you take Calcium at the same time as certain medications (thyroid is one) AND even multi-vitamins or probiotics, it basically WIPES them out. I'd always wondered why the good Multi-Vitamins had very little Calcium in them (like 1%) and now I know why! So all this time, I've been adding my Multi-Vitamin Formula in my green smoothie ALONG with my Calcium/Magnesium mix which apparently is a big No No! Now I take my Calcium right before bed which can help you sleep better anyway, so I learned a big lesson from that. My father takes Dilantin, an anti-seizure medicine and had been taking it with Orange Juice fortified with CALCIUM and Dilantin is one drug that you aren't supposed to mix with Calcium. So I made sure to send him the article about it. Hope everyone is doing well, and hope I can post again soon!
Big hugs to all!

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