Friday, April 15, 2011

Weird Rash on my Hands

When I first became sick with Lyme, I developed this really weird rash on my hands (along with all my other symptoms) and it has appeared and disappeared every month for over a year now. EVER SINGLE TIME I have a doctors appt, it happens to be in "remission" and is only a faint scar. I've never been able to show the doctors how BAD it gets! Have been trying to figure out if it's from Lyme, or Bartonella or something else. Would LOVE to know if anyone else has ever gotten this. It gets really red and itchy and recently it was the largest it's ever been. It starts out like a long lesion - almost like a "worm" (sorry that's the best way i can describe it!) then it turns into a full blown angry looking rash. Initially it was on my index finger and inside of thumb on my palm, but now it's moved to my middle finger and still on my palm. Sooooooo weird!!!


  1. I have exactly the same rash, i have had it off and on for about 4 years comes and goes, and with it painful joints in my fingers....i don't know what causes it, it lasts about 2 weeks and then nothing for a while...what is it??

    1. Cutaneous Larva Migrans...Finally found it..This is what I have, and maybe what some on this page have too. I am a gardener and picked up this parasite from soil and doing yard work in flip flops. Ive had this going on for several weeks now, and I'm done with it. Never had Lyme. Gonna wrap my foot in a dressing of tea tree, oregano, and black walnut oil, and wormwood..all are antiparasitic. Sources say it should go away in 8wks or so by itself because we are not their natural host, so for those of you with chronic cases, its probably something else.

  2. Yes I had the exact same rash but over all of my fingers/ thumbs. Lots of little fluid filled blisters that itch like crazy. Really sucks. Not sure if it is the Lyme or co infection/s....still waiting on my co infections test to come back. I had this for about 18 months when I was first really sick, which was about 12 years ago. I also get a little bit on my feet now and again. Just on my heel orin the middle of my sole.

  3. Anyone have any updates yet? I think i may have this same thing? help!

  4. It's probably dyshidrosis.

  5. I have this same thing. Is there any cure for it? Does anybody know anything else? It has been a little over a year for me.

  6. Have the same for many years, also recurring, very itchy, and after some time the skin comes off (scales), and when it's really cold weather, most often a painful fissure appears, all at the same location as the initial rash. Most probably (i'm a med doctor myself) it's atopic eczema and/or "water-allergy" (people who wash their hands quite often, as i do myself), and/or it's related to stress.

    1. If it would be dyshidrosis, it's more likely to appear on the whole surface of the hand palms and/or feet, and not confined to such a specific area

    2. P.s.: my rash looks exactly as the one on your first picture, including the location, but in my case, it's always circular around the pip joints of my 4th and 5th finger of my right hand

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  8. Don't know if you have discovered the cause or not. I wonder if it could be a reaction to something used in bottle caps. I discovered something like this similar on my hands and it was the exact spots my fingers could make contact with a plastic bottle cap when opening soda bottles. Maybe something related to an adhesive used in the manufacturing or something else. But when I stop using the bottles the bumps start to go away.

  9. I have the same thing on my right hand thumb, index and middle finger. Itchy rash and arthritis in those fingers but also on my palm. Had Lyme 20 years ago and recently relapsed with this symptom occurring,among others, ringing in ears, headaches, chills. Had arthritis symptoms on this hand first time around but not this rash. Was on Doxycycline for a month but as soon as I went off this comes back. It's driving me crazy.

    1. have the same thing on my right hand thumb, index and middle finger. Itchy rash and arthritis in those fingers but also on my palm. Had Lyme 2 years ago and recently relapsed with this symptom occurring,among others, ringing in ears, headaches, chills. Had arthritis symptoms on this hand first time around but not this rash. Was on Doxycycline for a month but as soon as I went off this comes back. It's driving me

  10. Dermatitis Herpertiformis, cause from Gluten,grains..I have the same

  11. Yes, it is caused due to gluten sensitivity. I have developed RA with aching joints may be because if hypersensitivity due to eating gluten in my diet. Now I avoid eating gluten but whenever I eat it, this rash comes to my right index finger.
